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universidade lusófona


IV Jornadas Lusófonas de Nutrição

As Jornadas Lusófonas de Nutrição são um evento de cariz académico que pretende analisar diversas temáticas emergentes na área das ciências da nutrição, assinalando a importância do nutricionista nas suas mais distintas áreas de atuação, com especial atenção sobre o papel do nutricionista na atualidade social.

V Jornadas CBIOS / V CBIOS Seminar

As V Jornadas CBIOS irão decorrer no dia 10 de novembro de 2023 no Auditório Professor José Araújo da Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa.

Nuno Maulide @ Universidade Lusófona

O Professor Convidado Nuno Maulide da  Universidade Lusófona – CBIOS, irá apresentar várias palestras e workshops durante o mês de maio:

III Bio.Natural 2023 conference

The III Bio.Natural 2023 conference (CBIOS/ALIES/U Lusofona) and United Scientific Group welcome to the hybrid conference on III Bio.Natural 2023 - Bioactive Natural Products Research, that will be held on 13-14 of July, 2023

COST Action IG17104 – Training School of CIG

Pan-European Educational Platform on Multidrug Resistant Tumours and Personalised Cancer Treatment - IG17104

COST Action CA21145 – 1st meeting & Training school in Bioinformatics and Computational tools in antibacterial research

European Network for diagnosis and treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections (EURESTOP) - COST CA21145

Hygieia Conference

Hygieia Conference, 24th and 25th of November 2022


CBIOS is looking forward to welcoming you to the 1st edition of InnovDelivery, in June 30th 2022. In this international virtual meeting, we will explore the theme “Nature as inspiration for innovation in Health and Well-being” with leading researchers.

The First African Conference on Natural Products and Related Fields

The Natural Products chemistry group @ CPUT (Prof Ahmed Hussein, Cape Town, South Africa) in collaboration with Natural Bioactives Research Domain @ Universidade Lusófona (Prof Patricia Rijo; Lisboan, Portugal) will host the African Natural Product Chemistry conference from 24-25th  May 2022.