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universidade lusófona


III Cell Migration Workshop

Postponed – new dates to be announced soon - Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon

Mais informações Registration Form

This workshop will address the role of cell migration in different physiopathological processes, the different types of cell migration and the respective morphological, functional and molecular alterations involved.

We will also present the most commonly used cell-based techniques, including the wound-healing assay, chemotaxis, random single cell migration, cell invasion, as well as molecular tools and assays to dissect the mechanotransduction processes. Practical and laboratory classes will allow students to contact with key methodologies in the area.

Confirmed speakers and trainers

  • Ana Sofia Fernandes – CBIOS, Universidade lusófona
  • Nuno Saraiva – CBIOS, Universidade lusófona
  • Rita Fior – Champalimaud Foundation
  • Raquel Pereira – IMM, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Tânia Cruz – i3S, Universidade do Porto, Portugal


  • Cell migration: concepts and techniques
  • Molecular mechanisms of cell migration: a technical approach
  • Cell migration in health and disease

Practical Classes (hands-on)

  • P1 – Collective cell migration assays (Ana Fernandes, CBIOS)
  • P2 – Chemotaxis, and chemoinvasion (Tânia Cruz, i3S)
  • P3 – Analysis of cell adhesion and cytoskeleton (Nuno Saraiva, CBIOS)
  • P4 – Data analysis with Image J (Raquel Pereira, IMM)


1 ECTS awarded

Administrative Support

Organização / Organization