Qual o impacto de diferentes padrões alimentares na composição corporal e no risco cardiovascular?
COST Action CA21145 – 1st meeting & Training school in Bioinformatics and Computational tools in antibacterial research
1st Meeting & Training school in Bioinformatics and Computational tools in antibacterial research
European Network for diagnosis and treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections (EURESTOP)- COST CA21145
Hygieia Conference
Hygieia Conference, 24th and 25th of November 2022
The HYGIEIA Consortium is looking forward to welcoming you to the HYGIEIA Conference, to be held at the Universidade Lusófona on the 24th and 25th of November 2022. This international blended live/remote meeting will explore the theme “Promoting Health and Well-being Across the Lifespan” with leading speakers. The scientific sessions will look into the future developments in Non-drug products (Cosmetics and Food Supplements), Nutrition education and Lifestyle education and the conference will finalize with a Round table on “Education in Health Sciences in the digital/global era”
Cosmetologia Avançada / Advanced Cosmetology – 7a edição
7a edição – Início em setembro de 2022
7th edition – Starting date September 2022